Buying guide: eco-responsible packaging Manutan.?

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More and more , and this, throughout the world, ecological consciences wake up. Everyone is becoming more environmentally conscious, as the common goal is to preserve the planet and its natural resources. For example, using eco-responsible packaging is something that should become habitual, especially for businesses. Plastic, glass, cardboard, paper, wood: what is the best choice of packaging for more ecological behavior? Here is our buying guide to help you choose your eco-responsible packaging .

Buying guide: eco-responsible packaging Manutan

What is eco-responsible packaging?

Eco-responsible packaging is recyclable. Recyclable packaging is made of a material that can be processed so that it can be used again. This type of packaging is called “ecological” because it preserves the environment by transforming a material rather than starting from scratch. Using recyclable packaging is an effective way to protect natural resources, as it reduces the amount of waste and therefore the level of pollution.


Products and packaging used daily are stamped with several different logos. These symbols make it possible to distinguish what is recyclable from what is not.


To engage in an eco-responsible approach and adopt the right gestures, it is essential to be informed about the meaning of the recycling codes. Here are the main logos present on the products and packaging used on a daily basis.

  The green dot means that the company that produces the packaging or the product is a partner of Eco Emballage.

Called Möbius Strip, this logo indicates that the packaging is recyclable.

The purpose of these two symbols is to inform the consumer about the percentage of recycled raw materials used in the manufacture of the packaging or the product on which they are affixed.

The purpose of this logo is educational: it simply encourages consumers to throw their waste in the trash.

This logo means that the packaging or the product should not be thrown away in a classic trash can, but in a specific container.

This symbol is present on all recyclable packaging, because it is mandatory.

This logo informs the consumer about the composition of plastic packaging by mentioning the acronym of its material and its category. The number indicates the specific type of plastic used.

Intended for glass containers, this symbol indicates that they should be recycled.

Recyclable aluminum packaging all bears this logo.

These eco-labels indicate that the packaging meets demanding criteria aimed at reducing its environmental footprint.

Which plastic material is not recyclable?

Plastic is one of the most difficult materials to recycle. The majority of packaging being plastic, it is essential to know at least their composition to choose recyclable packaging. A plastic coding system has therefore been set up, numbered from 1 to 7.

This codification makes it possible to know the characteristics and properties of different types of plastic and to know which plastic packaging is recyclable. There are 4 families of plastic: PP (polypropylene), PET (polyethylene terephthalate), HDPE (high density polyethylene) and LDPE (low density polyethylene).

For example, polyethylene terephthalate, which constitutes the packaging of products such as soft drink bottles or oil bottles, is a category 1 plastic, 100% recyclable.

What is the most ecological packaging?

The use of adapted ecological packaging requires a good knowledge of the raw materials of manufacture and their capacity to be recycled.


Today, the trend is zero waste. Thus, more and more food store brands are offering, with this in mind, the sale of bulk products to take away in kraft paper bags. The idea is to encourage customers to stop using plastic bags, or in the best case, to bring their own container.

At Manutan, we offer eco-responsible packaging products, because we have chosen to commit ourselves to protecting the environment. To learn more, check out our buying guide to new eco-friendly office and warehouse products .


The packaging that pollutes the least is the one that is the most easily recyclable or compostable, because it is biodegradable. With a view to a sustainable development approach, here is a list of the most ecological packaging to be preferred.


Glass is made from natural materials like sand, lime and calcium carbonate. He can recycle endlessly, that’s his biggest advantage. On the other hand, its manufacture, transport and recycling require a significant amount of energy. The fact remains that its reusable side makes it an interesting eco-responsible packaging.


The advantage of metal is its ease of recycling which requires relatively little energy. In addition, metal packaging can be reconditioned for a new use, such as the barrel with internal bungs or the renovated barrel with total opening that we offer at Manutan.


Plastic has the image of a very polluting material. However, considerable efforts have been made to enable its recycling in an efficient manner. It is therefore necessary to be attentive to the logos present on the plastic packaging to know the procedure to follow and adopt an eco-responsible approach. Manutan plastic packaging for shipping products such as bubble wrap , recycled bubble wrap , briefcase bags or even recycled storage bins are perfect examples of better use of plastic.

Why use cardboard packaging?

Cardboard or kraft paper packaging is mostly made from wood. They therefore have the advantage of being efficiently recyclable. In addition, cardboard packaging can be recycled several times. In addition, thanks to constant progress in terms of recycling, soiled food boxes can now be thrown into the sorting bin reserved for cardboard packaging, as they are recyclable, even when dirty.


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